The burden of the claim limit How simple and convenient would be for medical offices to simply not use paper anymore especially when billing insurance companies.
For this reason, clearinghouses are becoming more and more popular everyday and the cost of submitting claims is increasing with that popularity. Charges are considerable and 90% of private practices choose to manually create the CMS1500 form and send it to the insurance company which in a very slow process the risk of being rejected is always present. Surprisingly, a large percentage of medical practitioners are not aware of electronic claim submission they just find out when payers tell them to use an electronic system to get paid faster and reduce costs. So what is electronic claim submission? Electronic claim submission is the process of sending claims to the insurance company in a very safe formatted file via EDI (electronic data interchange) basically a computer software creates the CMS1500 form and transmits it to an electronic clearinghouse which reviews the data and communicates back with the transmitting software to ensure the entered information is correct before sending it to the insurance company. Once the payer receives the file it sends back a signal which transmits all the way back to your EHR software and establishes a status update system until the claim is fully paid and an electronic check is deposited in the doctor's account. Most software programs include claim submission nowadays but do the all offer unlimited plans so you don't have to worry about how many claims you can submit every month? Can you update your plan without being charged extra? Let us know what you think and what your needs are and we'll explain to you how the process works in a more personalized way.
AuthorDocta Archives
March 2019
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